Wednesday, 16 April 2008

Well, I never made it out

I tried, but a coworker did offer me a lift home and I took it. Social outings are not meant to make you feel so crap! I feel better now, after sitting in the sofa and relaxing with a book.
I still think it is a big improvement, even if I didn't make it there. It is a girl's birthday on Friday, so I can try to go to that one, just for a bit, and hopefully it will create a less bad reaction.


  1. you know I think you're brave after all!

  2. Hello Cristina,
    I came from your post on Ravelry's "Blogging" group. Am happy I did! You're a wonderful woman...I can tell...and very brave, indeed. Wishing you peace and healing and lots of fun knitting now and in the future. Love that little mouse of your's!!
    Cheers, Jenny
